Would you be interested in a “How To Promote Your Show or Film” ebook?
So, it’s new project season here at Guerilla Showrunner Towers, and as you may have seen on Twitter, I’m considering working on a more detailed manual for show promotion than I could offer in a blog post.
Now, I’ve made the mistake of developing something big without checking it’s needed before, and it just wastes everyone’s time.
So - would you be interested in buying a complete guide to promoting your online film or series? It’d basically cover the same strategies that I used to get BloodSpell 100k+ viewers and exposure on CNN and a whole bunch of other places, Kamikaze Cookery featured all over the ‘net, and so on, plus a whole bunch of new stuff I’ve learned in the last couple of years.
Topics I’m currently thinking to cover would include:
How to network outside the web series community to get your show wider exposure
How to make sure from Day 1 that your show has a large audience who will watch it.
How to use sites like Reddit, Digg, and Stumbleupon to drive the viewers you want to your film or show
Offline press - how to approach them, how to win them over.
How to use search engine optimisation and article marketing with your videos to create steady traffic streams.
Advertising - what works, what doesn’t, and where to get it at affordable rates
How to cut trailers, and how to use them
So - sound interesting enough to spend a bit of cash on? And if so, what topics would you be particularly interested in seeing covered?
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