Strange Company`s Director, Hugh Hancock, died in 2018. Strange Company is no longer a registered Company. This site is part of his body of work, and as such it is hosted and maintained by a group of volunteers and as an archive of his work. A comprehensive list of the works being archived can be found here. If you have any problems with the site, please report them using this form.

Guerilla Showrunner

Make your webseries. Better. Faster. Now

What Bites Your Nugget?

OK, we’ve officially launched here, and all is going smoothly and well… Glad everyone’s liking the content so far.

I’m going to be asking this question fairly frequently, so might as well start:

What’s your biggest showrunning pain right now?

I want to make sure I’m writing articles that actually address pain points people have, so tell me - what are your biggest problems with your show, or your planned show? What’s really biting your nugget at the moment?

Tell me and I’ll see what I can do to offer useful pain-removal advice on the subject.
